The 6502 was the first CPU that I programmed1 in machine code — on my Vic-202 and on BBC Micros3 at school — back in the 80s. I wrote a few simple games for the Vic-20, mostly because its limited 3.5Kb memory made it hard to do anything in BASIC. On the BBC Micro I got a bit more ambitious and wrote something that I imagined was like a simple round-robin, cooperative multitasking scheduler. The cassette tapes containing that code will all be somewhere in a landfill site near Hull, whiling-away the time until entropy reduces the bits to noise.
Later I wrote some code for the Motorola 6809. And later still I used 68000 dev boards as an undergraduate. We had to upload assembly language to an honest-to-god minicomputer to be assembled to machine code before we could find out if the seven-segment LED display would do the right thing, or whatever it was.
During an intern year at IBM I remember talking to a colleague who was writing System/36 microcode to interface a transputer development board to a 3090 mainframe. Godlike stuff.
It’s been a while now, but I remember feeling that the 68000 was clearly powerful and elegant and a “proper CPU”, but also that I had little hope of understanding all the details. The 6502 was my first, and with hindsight was far less elegant with plenty of warts, but I felt at the time that I understood it pretty well. The 6809 was somewhere in-between, I guess, and a very nice CPU to work with.
As a professional developer I haven’t had to write a single line of machine code or assembly language these thirty-odd years. Maybe I should be glad. Even now, I try to think of computers as physical machines with physical characteristics — even if the tools and developer experience try to convince me otherwise.
I’ve never thought about it before today, but I suppose I benefited from that early progression from 6502 to 6809 to 68000. Whether or not it makes sense as a journey now, I couldn’t say.
(I never got on with the Z80: that brash upstart /s)
- It occurs to me that we seldom talk about programming computers any more. We write code or apps, separated from the hardware. ↩︎
- Yes, machine code. The Vic-20 didn’t have a built-in assembler and, while I think I was aware that such as thing could theoretically be obtained somehow, I had no idea how to go about doing that. All I had was a monthly subscription to Commodore User magazine and my falling-apart copy of the Vic 20 Programmers Reference Guide. So I wrote-out the assembly language on paper and hand-converted it to machine code. Debugging was even more fun. ↩︎
- BBC Basic had a good, built-in, two-stage assembler. ↩︎